
The story begins at the heart of New York city's bustling streets, where every corner holds the promise of discovery and adventure.

Amidst the twins Liliane & Rony Daou's time living in these diverse areas, they found themselves drawn into the timeless allure of vintage shopping. Chic jacket, eccentric handbag, funky old pants, they were always on the hunt for hidden treasures.

As they were wandering, vinyl record shops were also a destination. Spending hours in these stores, they felt a profound connection to the rich history and evocative melodies contained within each record. It was there that they decided to start hosting unforgettable 'vinyl nights' with friends.

However, throughout their exploration journey, a common theme emerged -  vinyl records languishing in dusty boxes, their vibrant melodies silenced, and their cultural stories forgotten. Inspired by their untapped potential, Liliane & Rony envisioned a way to bring new life into the cultural  narratives behind these forgotten discs, merging their passions for culture, music and fashion. Having traveled extensively and been captivated by the diverse cultures they encountered, they felt a deep connection to the thought of preserving and celebrating this cultural richness. The idea of  CAHAYA was created.

With CAHAYA every handbag tells a story – the story of a vinyl record's journey from a cultural artifact to memory, and now, to a stunning fashion statement.

Together, we invite you to join us on this journey as we blend the magic of vinyl records with the timeless allure of vintage fashion, creating an extraordinary accessory that carries a story with every stitch.